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 FM -- Tour de l'infini

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Date d'inscription : 21/02/2016

FM -- Tour de l'infini Empty
MessageSujet: FM -- Tour de l'infini   FM -- Tour de l'infini EmptyJeu 30 Juin - 9:29

Un pseudo guide trouvé sur reddit pour la tour de l'infini. Je testerai ca en fin de saison.

vs Dest/LBM https://bnstree.com/FM?build=5011000255212564138131265332383325032380331065225123235333003312021266312412211033263312494123922237222432141012
The idea in this matchup is to kite them around veil or Heatwave since they are programmed to avoid them at all costs. LBM wont spin unless it's frozen or if you throw LB/RB at it so if you use Short Fuse and it has a chill stack you can continuously use blazing beam without it reacting.

vs BM/KFM/Sin/SF https://bnstree.com/FM?build=5011000255312564126522238322503238033106522512323533300213713112022266312412211042263312494123922237222432141012
vs BM and KFM your main objective is to freeze them and walk behind and start your pve rotation. vs Sin and SF you have to play around the fact that it only uses block on your LB/RB. So if you apply short fuse you can press blazing beam until chill stack drops (usually). You can also bait block with a fast RB into ice X (unless they are far away)

vs Sum https://bnstree.com/FM?build=501100025531256412652239431250333804110652251512354112021266332412211042263312494123922237222431141012
Get ice orb up and paralyze cat. After that get 3 ice orbs and apply burn, then hold down dragonchar until sum is dead, if you want to maximize damage you have to put yourself into the sums attacks to trigger focus regen from ice orbs.

vs WL https://bnstree.com/FM?build=50110002553125641265323943125023380111065225151235333002112021266332412211042263312494123922237222432141012

Almost same idea as vs sum, get 3 ice orbs and hold down dragonchar, pray to rngesus for rng blocks on the wls CC.

vs FM https://bnstree.com/FM?build=5011000255312564126522394312383225011380411065225123235333003112021266332413211033263312494123922237222432141012
Force them to use SS and shield right away by using Glacial Beam, put up your own shield before the FM can get an ice orb. Watch them waste QE and ice flower by getting frozen using impact on you inside your veil, after their veil is ended freeze them and stand directly behind them and start pveing.
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